Thursday September 19, 2024

PIU ends intensive combat leadership training

The PIU concludes German-led combat leadership training amid ongoing reforms and human rights criticisms.

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PIU ends intensive combat leadership training

The Police Intervention Unit (PIU), known as the paramilitary unit, has just wrapped up a two-week advanced combat leadership training program for senior and middle management officers. 

Held at PIU headquarters in Kanifing, the event was facilitated by the German Police Support Team (GPST), which aimed to enhance the leadership capabilities of officers in key roles, particularly in combat situations.

Speaking on behalf of the Inspector General of Police, Ebrima Bah, the Assistant Inspector General of Police Operations, expressed gratitude to the GPST while underlining the critical significance of leadership skills, particularly in Command and Control. 

Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mr Balajo, encouraged officers to apply the acquired knowledge effectively. He said the GPF remains dedicated to collaborating with partners and stakeholders in the reform process of the Police Force.

Meanwhile, the PIU is criticized over its worst human rights record, which the leadership claims they are changing with the reforms currently being implemented in the force.

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