Thursday September 19, 2024

U.S. Army Enhances Military Cooperation Through Professional Exchanges With The Gambian Armed Forces (GAF)

The U.S. Army Southern European Task Force (SETAF-AF) engaged in a week-long military exchange with the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF) to enhance military cooperation, focusing on the Inspector General system, rule of law, and potential long-term collaborations.

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U.S. Army Enhances Military Cooperation Through Professional Exchanges With The Gambian Armed Forces (GAF)

By Omar Bah

U.S. Army Southern European Task Force members, Africa (SETAF-AF) engaged in a week-long professional military exchange with the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF). The goal of the exchange was to enhance military cooperation and share knowledge on critical areas such as the Inspector General (IG) system and the rule of law, fostering stronger ties between the two nations.

Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin Barrett, leader of the U.S. delegation from the SETAF-AF Inspector General Office, was joined by Lieutenant Colonel Reneka Redmond and Captain Charles Blanton from the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) office. The team provided a comprehensive overview of the unique features of the U.S. Inspector General (I.G.) system, which serves a crucial role in ensuring accountability and ethical conduct within military operations. The opportunity to engage in dialogue with our Gambian counterparts was invaluable,” remarked Barrett. “Through sharing insights on the I.G. system and the rule of law, we can enrich our mutual understanding and fortify the framework of integrity and justice in both our militaries.

During the exchange sessions, the focus was on delving into the history and structure of the U.S. I.G. system, emphasizing its pivotal role in upholding accountability, transparency, and integrity within the military. Gambian officers offered an insightful overview of their systems, leading to fruitful discussions on potential areas for collaboration and enhancement. Lt. Col. Redmond highlighted, “One of the main takeaways from this exchange is our shared commitment to accountability and integrity within our respective militaries. He added that it’s genuinely uplifting to witness how our two countries are united by our unwavering dedication to upholding these values and the rule of law despite differing histories and systems.

The discussions throughout the week delved into various aspects of military governance, presenting case studies and their practical applications within both U.S. and Gambian military contexts. These sessions provided a platform for an open exchange of ideas, fostering a collaborative atmosphere where mutual learning occurred. Capt. Charles Blanton emphasized, “We engaged in meaningful discussions on the significance of the rule of law, which serves as the cornerstone for maintaining trust and legitimacy in military operations. Our interactions with our Gambian counterparts underscored that our shared dedication to legal and ethical standards is paramount despite our differences.”

Blanton, who also served as a representative for the SETAF-AF Civil Affairs Battalion, played a vital role in identifying prospective collaborative opportunities between SETAF-AF’s Civil Affairs teams and the Gambia Armed Forces, laying the groundwork for long-lasting partnerships. Blanton expressed, that participating in this exchange has been incredibly enlightening. As a representative of the Civil Affairs Battalion, I have had the privilege of engaging in discussions about future collaborations with the Gambia Armed Forces, exploring ways our teams can effectively address local needs. This dialogue marks a crucial step towards establishing enduring partnerships that harness our combined expertise to promote African stability and development.

The Gambia Armed Forces expressed appreciation for the exchange, noting the relevance of the discussions to their ongoing efforts to improve military oversight and legal processes. This exchange underscores SETAF-AF’s commitment to building solid and cooperative relationships with African military partners.

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